Diesel BUGs in action: Explore pictures and videos of diesel pest
The invisible threat:
Maritim Consultants AS is your reliable partner for diesel analyses and tests. Explore our image series to gain visual insight into the world of diesel bugs. We offer two main types of diesel bug tests, along with a wide range of analyses for diesel and oil products. Whether you need a check or approval of diesel, we have the necessary analyses to provide you with insights.
Diesel bugs can also look like this:
These microorganisms, often slimy and dark in color, can lead to serious problems in the fuel system. Take a close look at the latest pictures in the series to understand how diesel bugs can appear and the challenges they can create.
Self-test or ATP test?
Dipstick Combi is easy to use. It comes with instructions and a table that shows you the bacteria level. You'll get the analysis result in 2-3 days. If you don't have time to wait for 2-3 days, there is another solution; Maritim Consultants AS has its own laboratory with an ATP test. Such a test will give you the analysis result within a few minutes. You can easily send us 15-50 ml of diesel, and we will perform the test for you. If you need an accurate description of your bacteria level, this is the test for you. The result is delivered in a report with guidelines. Choose the method that suits you best and protect yourself from diesel bug problems.
Diesel bug video:
Bio Protect 2 in Action: